About Alessandra
From project manager to yoga instructor and Grinberg Method practitioner
I work as yoga instructor and practitioner of the Grinberg Method. I am passionate about teaching people how daily life and stress situations may negatively influence our wellbeing through wrong posture and accumulate tensions in specific areas of the body. With awareness and guidance we can recognise how we hold the body and how to break free from limiting body/mind patterns.
In 2009 my French housemate took me to the first yoga class of my life. I wanted to keep on sleeping, but she swore yoga would be good for me. Wise woman!
I began practicing Sivananda yoga and – since at the time I was living in South-East Asia I started exploring the Buddhist meditation.
It became natural to integrate yoga and meditation in my daily life. Not quite believing yet what was happening to me I ofter surprised myself practicing yoga under our banana tree at 6am. I was progressively realising how important it is to go back to the body and breath awareness on a daily base.
3 years after I quit my job in order to deepen my yoga practice. I spent 6 months in an ashram in Germany and the following years collecting experience as yoga instructor between India, Bali and Malaysia.
6 years later the wise French woman introduced me to the Grinberg method. In 2016 I enrolled in a 3-years-study of the Grinberg Method taught from its founder and developer, Avi Grinberg. I finished it in 2019.
I lived, studied and worked in 8 different countries working e.g. as researcher for the European Commission, for the development cooperation in Laos and for an American multinational in Germany.
And then the more or less sudden “U turn”.
It is a matter of self healing that, with the help of the practitioner, works on body perceptions and acts on insights and feelings. It is a process that starts from your body and can affect your life and your behaves.
Alessandra is an amazing Yoga instructor. You can feel that she loves what she´s doing.
Not matter if beginner or advanced, she supports everyone to stretch their body as much as possible an feel amazing after the session.
It was a pleasure to practice Yoga with her!
It is difficult to explain what happens during one hour on the table but it is a beautiful way to connect body and mind, bring back situations that happened many years ago and still feel them like it was yesterday, sometimes I get surprised that one tear comes out because of something that happened many many years ago. It is an ongoing surprise of how my body, my mind, my past affect how I am today and the ways it can change.
It was not only a physical treatment to diminish my back pain but also a self discovery journey to learn how to listen to my needs and to clear signals the body sends me. A journey I definitely want to continue and that I recommend to everybody.
I I feel when something is too much and I cannot be silent anymore, I feel when I contract my face to the centre during a normal work day and try to relax it, I felt I need to move more and I workout every day. It is a process of discovery of new abilities of myself I didn’t know were there available in me. It also helps staying less stressed in everyday life.
I started with pain in my foot and with guidance I ended up becoming more aware of how shallow I breathe and how I hold my face while someone touches me. The pain in my foot keeps coming back but I am more aware of how I stand, walk and breathe.
I went for a physical problem and Alessandra mentioned that the problem was not physical but in my I daily behaviour. It was an instant shift of perspective in the room, in my mind and in my private life. I am definitely going to continue and see where this process is taking me.
It is a matter of self healing that, with the help of the practitioner, works on body perceptions and acts on insights and feelings. It is a process that starts from your body and can affect your life and your behaves.
Alessandra is an amazing Yoga instructor. You can feel that she loves what she´s doing.
Not matter if beginner or advanced, she supports everyone to stretch their body as much as possible an feel amazing after the session.
It was a pleasure to practice Yoga with her!
It is difficult to explain what happens during one hour on the table but it is a beautiful way to connect body and mind, bring back situations that happened many years ago and still feel them like it was yesterday, sometimes I get surprised that one tear comes out because of something that happened many many years ago. It is an ongoing surprise of how my body, my mind, my past affect how I am today and the ways it can change.